INTERIM SHOW: Midnightmare (Soundscape)

This Soundscape consists of my own sound recordings of various elements such as nature, voices, environmental noise and unusual items; these were be recorded using professional sound equipment. I developed the sounds out of context by manipulate them to create something unrecognisable, which alongside this hypnotic film, creating an immersive experience for the viewer. My […]

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Critical Research Essay for BA (Hons) Degree 2015: Gothic: From Georgian England to the Silver Screen

What is Gothic? To many it’s a word that suggests the sinister, the supernatural, and horror. It’s also style of building and religious architecture dedicated to god. But how did one small word derive to such different meanings? The term, “Gothic”, was first used by Italian Renaissance artists as an insult to describe anything that […]

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Research: History of Gothic (Architecture)

History of Gothic Architecture History of Gothic Architecture History – Definition Gothic Architecture is a style of architecture developed between the Romanesque and the Renaissance styles of architecture. The history of Gothic architecture and the changing styles of buildings are characterized by the introduction of stained-glass windows, gargoyles, flying buttresses, tall spires and pointed arches. The […]

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In Danny’s new voyage into his dark imagination, his camera is fixed upon two figures, stalking beneath a mysterious full moon. Bewitched by their inner animalistic instincts and desires they transfigure into hybrids, becoming one with nature. Using analogue techniques mixed with special effects, Nocturne portrays a disjointed and unnerving twist of Lycanthropy and Metamorphosis, […]

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